Day 22 - 10/11/11 Tuesday (Columbus Day)

Big Bubba, a big bellied C.O who makes an appearance every Tuesday, was banging on my door.
“Take the rag off the vent,” he said referring to Knots's was cloth drying on the air vent. Requests like these were repeated to every cell: Get that shit out of the window. Take that shit off the walls. Take down that clothesline  Big Bubba was a jerk. He was the only C.O to do these inspections. He'd tell the bubble to turn on everyone's lights in their cell (and when the bubble turns them on , we can't turn them off) and bangs on every door.


Big Bubba called off the names of people who needed to see the counselor. I was one of them.
“You better have your asses down here A.S.A.P. No time to get pretty,” Big Bubba shouted so everyone could hear. He didn't like P.Cs. There's no doubt in my mind he thought of them as nothing but kiddy diddling perverts. Scum. With the face of a bulldog  he was by far the meanest C.O on the block and he HATED coming here every Tuesday.
“Get down here you nappy headed fools!” He barked at an inmates.
“THAT'S RACIST,” another inmate screamed at him. Big Bubba paused.
“No it's no!” And he went on his way.

A group of us left 10A and walked to the counselor's office. We waited in a classroom until one person came out. Lamborghini took the initiative and went in first.
“Of course Princess goes first,” A C.O said.
“Yeah, faggots go first,” Hank Hill, and another 10A inmate screamed at Lamborghini. Lam has set all LGBT people back many years. She loves using the word faggot to describe gay people and herself.
“I'm the number 1 faggot bitch!” She'd say or “Yeah, Kareem a faggot.” Whether she's trying to take back the word or not is debatable but her use of the word only reinforces it in people. It's why Chris Rock doesn't do his nigga VS nigger bit anymore. Too many white people think it's ok to call black people niggers because Chris Rock told them it was OK.

I went into the office and signed my weekly “I still want to 'voluntarily' be a P.C paper.”
“I have some books coming tomorrow. Will they be on your desk by Thursday?” I asked the Counselor.
“Yeah, they should,” she said. I'm going to hold her to it. I took 2 books from her office in the meantime to keep me occupied. Quivers, the memoir of Robin Quivers and No Country for Old Men. I went back into 10A and everyone was standing around Dreds discussing Big Bubba.
“There's no need for that hut (cell) searching shit,” Uncle said, “they supposedly found a shank on 5.”
What that got to do with us,” Florida asked in his heavy southern accent.
“And that whole nappy shit was fucked up,” Dreds said. As if his ears were burning  Big Bubba walked through the main door.
“T-Lo, in your cell,” Big Bubba scream at T-Lo.”
“FUCK YOU!” T-Lo screamed as he made his way back to his cell.
“Yeah you talk all that shit now,” Big Bubba snapped, “I'll make sure you're on 24 hour lock up.”
“You ain't gonna do shit!” T-Lo locked himself in his cell. This made Big Bubba angry.
“Control, alpha 207,” he said into his walkie. T-Lo's door popped open. We watched.
“Step out of your cell,” Bubba commanded.
“NO!” T-Lo shouted as he blocked the door knowing Bubba wanted to come in.
“You're not following an order!”
“Fuck your order!” T-Lo screamed. He pulled T-Lo out of his cell and T-Lo threw his hands up.
“My hands are up and not touching the C.O,” he declared to his onlookers  “I need a witness that my hands are up and I am outside my cell.”
Bubba was pissed. T-Lo knew the rules and his pride was hurt. Hand Bubba been the one to lock T-Lo in and not T-Lo himself, this wouldn't be happening.
“Control, we have a situation here. I think we need to search a cell,” Bubba said into his walkie. Like clockwork, 3 C.Os and the Sergeant came in and up the stairs to T-Lo's cell. Bubba then took T-Lo and locked him in.
“I don't have time for this,” the Sergeant said, “Don't call me for this bullshit,” he said scolding Bubba.
“He was already in his cell,” Uncle said after the Co.Os left, “he just put on that show to boost his ego.”
“Why'd they put him on lock down anyway,” W.M, T-Los celly asked.
“He didn't move fast enough for Bubba when he called him,” Dreds explained.
“Damn shame,” Mikai said shaking his head, “this is their house and we're just living in it.”


“Yo, that shit was crazy,” Knots says as he closes or cell door. It was his signature phrase when entering the cell. “That's crazy.” He's crazy” or some other variation of the phrase ending in crazy.
“Can I borrow your radio, “Knots asked me while I went to medical to get blood drawn. Sure. I've only been bunked with Knots with Knots for a week but, so far, we get along. We don't talk unless you count when he comes into the cell making a comment like “My [football team] is bums” hoping to get a response out of me.

The borrowing of my radio has gotten more frequent. And annoying when he began doing what many young black males do: rap outloud. But he wasn't rapping the songs. It was more moaning the song and throwing a word or 2 in there. It sound like someone talking in their sleep. Mmmmmmooohmmmmm PASSION ! mmmmmohmmmohm LIKE FASHION !” It's wasn't even subtle  It was almost done in a loud whisper. And if he would have simply hummed, I may have though him less annoying but no, the sounds were less of a hum and more moans and groans.

I have to admit, I got a bit jealous of Mikai today when he talk to knots candidly for quite a while.They talked way more than we've talked as cellys for the past week. I'm not surprised though. Knots and Mikai are from that same world. Knots and I aren't. I'm PBS, he's BET. I'm Pier One, he's Big Lots. I'm Trader Joe's, he's Dollar General. I'm bougie as hell and he's from the streets.