Cast of Characters

  • Knots 
    • My first celly. Knots was in his early 20s and was originally arrested for having sex with a 12 year old when he was 18. He claims he had no idea the girl was underage because she lied about her age. He came back to jail on a probation violation when his P.O found out he was registered at one address and living at another.
  • Toothless
    • Toothless was my 5th celly. Originally cellys with Mcguyver.Toothless was in his 50s and is named Toothless because he's missing a bunch of his teeth. In the beginning I saw myself being cool with him. That was until I moved in with him. Toothless has been in prison fighting his case for over a year. He allegedly touched his youngest daughter while giving her a bath. He also allegedly brought another man over his house to have sex with his daughter. Toothless was the block gossip and loved to tells lies about other people to cause controversy. He loved to call me a faggot but he doesn't know that everyone knows he used to fool around with multiple transsexuals on the block. He is the WORST person I've ever met. He switch cells with Nip and became Mikai's celly. We ended up getting into a shouting match a few days before I was discharged. 
  • Al 
    • Al was arrested along with another guy for picking up a 12 year old and offering money to her for sex. When she declined he and the other guy raped her. The story that went around the block was that Al picked up a hooker and had sex with her. When he refused to pay she revelied her age and then went to the police. Al was shady and often stole from people. He was also very immature and ended up stealing from lots of people including me. Al ended up going up state for a few years. 
  • Q
    • I'm not sure why Q was in prison. Q was a snake who stole from me multiple times. Q was young, good looking and cocky. He had a pretty open relationship with Lamborghini. He was close friends with Al and Knots. He was an asshole who would often yell from the slot of his door calling people names. After I reported him to the Sargent to for stealing from me he threatened to kick my ass. I felt bad for a while because I thought he wouldn't steal so close to his release date. But I was wrong.
  • Lamborghini 
    • Lam. Queen bee. My 3rd Celly. I'm not exaggerating when I say Lamborghini ran that prison. Lam was a 23 year old transsexual and had been in and out of the prison since she was a 19. She knew EVERY C.O in the prison and every C.O knew her. She ended up dating a C.O that later died many years prior. And she became friends with many C.Os and sargents. This is how she got pull.
    • Transsexuals always get put in greens which is why she was lumped in with the sex offenders. Lam is a heroin addict and usually ended up in jail for doing something stupid while on drugs. She had been in prison for 6 months while I was there for stealing her sugar daddies credit cards. She left and came back 3 months later after being high on heroin and stealing from a hospital. Lam and I connected instantly but only because we were both gay. I became her best friend. The feeling was not mutual. I kept her close because I knew she had pull and I knew I would need that pull one day. I ended up using her pull a few times to get things I couldn't get on my own. 
    • Lam looked like a girl because she was on hormone treatment. Rapist was in love with Lam and they never kept their relationship or their sex life a secret. It was creepy because Rapist is creepy. She ended up getting Rapist sent off the block because he used to beat her. The secret is she liked it and he was a psycho so he liked doing it.
  • Girard  
    • Girard is a former teacher who got involved with the wrong woman. He was seeing a woman and she stayed at his house one night. He wanted to have sex but she didn't. She allegedly fell asleep and he had sex with her anyway. After he had sex with her she walked out of the room and some time later cops flooded his bedroom and arrested him. From what I read the story is really fishy. It seems like she didn't mind him having sex with her while she just laid there but it must have bothered her so she told the police she was raped. There's no doubt he had sex with her but whether she wanted it initially is up in the air (according to the articles). 
    • Girard was super nice and hardly ever left his cell. His was VERY religious but we got along very well. Many thought he was gay because he was slightly feminine but really he was just very artsy. He made me many things that I now have hanging up in my bedroom. 
  • Mikai 
    • Mikai was the very first person I talked to in prison because he was in booking with me in a cell for 3 days. Mikai is tall and VERY intimidating if you don't know him. He allegedly touched his 2 nieces while they sleeping. Whether he did it or not is still up in the air with me since his lawyer claimed the girls didn't actually see who did it. 
    • Mikai was one of the few people in prison I was close to. He was prone to temper tantrums and wasn't the brightest bulb on the block but we still got along. He's Muslim and only associated with the other Muslims when it came time to pray. Mikai mostly stayed in his cell is he didn't come out to hang with me or Gates. He was also VERY paranoid and thought EVERYONE was out to get him. This was extremely annoying. 
    • He was cellys with W.M for a while but had him evicted when W.M was communicating with the girls unit through the window. He moved in with Nip but couldn't take his smell. So I used my pull with Lamborghini to have Toothless move in with Mikai and Nip in with me.
    • Since I left, everyone Mikai was friends with (Me, Sparkle, Gates, and Chris) have all gone off the block. At the time of me writing this I wrote him a letter seeing how everything is going and I'm waiting for a response. 
  • Specs 
    • Specs is an interesting person. He was an EMT and was arrested after allegedly have sex with a couple dead bodies. His case is definitely the most bizarre on the block. When I left, he was very close to having the case dropped because there is almost no evidence and no D.A want's to go against his case for fear of loosing.
    • Specs is bisexual and will fuck anything that comes his way. He tried VERY hard to get me but no. Ew. He has had sex with every transsexual that's come on the block except Sparkle. Specs was Gates's roommate up until Gates left the block. Specs was very smart because he read lots of books but he had some pretty weird ass philosophies that we'd often debate. He doesn't believe he was born because he never witnessed his own birth. So because he never witnessed it, he can never say he was actually born. 
  • Little Retard
  • Daddy Retard
  • Big Retard
  • Dreds
  • Turtle
  • Uncle
  • Paco
  • T-Lo
  • Rico
  • Big Rico
  • Wheels
  • Teenwolf
  • Brandon
  • Eyes
  • Dad1
  • Dad2
  • W.M
  • The African
  • George
  • George's Man
  • Mullet
  • Mr. Chang
  • McGuyver
  • Mario
  • Florida
  • Pruane
  • Killa
  • Santa
  • Mill
  • Sanjay
  • Snitch
  • Germaphobe
  • Letters
  • Half-Foot
  • Rev
  • Bulldog
  • Becky
  • Patches
  • Licey
  • Gramps
  • Bellie
  • Beavis
  • Tiny
  • Gates
  • Johnny
  • Hank Hill
  • Cannonball
  • Dougy
  • Darkmeat
  • Senator
  • Sparkle
  • Pappi
  • Darkness
  • Rapist
  • Blair
  • Skinny
  • Toy
  • Bear
  • Baldy
  • Jeff
  • Allen
  • Charlie
  • Susan 
  • Benny
  • Kentucky
  • Flim-Flam