Day 7 – 9/26/11 Monday

The past 3 days on 8A have been pretty much the same. When we woke up, we had to wait for 3 groups of people to have their rec time: The general populations (blues), then the re-class -the people that have to be reclassified, and max security better know as reds. We always went last. Mikai didn't know this. The C.O mistakenly opened our cells. I closed ours because I knew it was a mistake since we're P.Cs but Poppi and Mikai went out.

“AY, AY!” Mustafa, an African C.O yealled while running up to their cell. “You noy supposed to be out! Go back in!”
“Why I gotta go back in?” Mikai asked
“You P.C! You don't know that? YOU P.C!” He shouted casuing many of the blues to watch and listen.

Mikai noticed the unwanted attention and just went back in. When the door went buzz buzz click very loudly, we went out for rec.

“Man. He blastin' my shit all loud that I'm a P.C.” Mikai said banging his hand on the metal table. Being out meant we got to take our first shower in 4 days. Rec time was very boring. The C.Os controlled the T.V and never turned it up load enough for us to hear. I went to the phone to try to call my mom again but it failed. I checked my account and noticed I had $100 on my books. This didn't help me since I can't order anything on this block.


The days were long and boring. People constantly banged on their doors to get the C.Os attention.

“C.O!” an inmate would yell.
“What?” The C.O would yell back.
“FUCK YOU!” The inmate would scream.
“Yeah keep talking shit from behind a closed door!”

These type of exchanges went on all day all the time. Many of the blues have been there for weeks. When someone on one of the other blocks leaves, one of the inmates from 8A leaves. This could take any amount of time. The same goes for us. Our chances were lower since there is 1 block for P.Cs.

While locked in our cells, Brooklyn and I would talk. Our talks became a lot more intimate without Mikai's testosterone driven input. Brooklyn turned out to actually be very open-minded and very much like me.

“I'm always the only black guy when I'm out with my friends.” He once said.
“Me too! I always play spot the darkie when I'm out at a show or something.” I said.
We talked about music, movies and everything. All Brooklyn wanted to do was talk to past the time. We got to know each other very well. The topic of gays came up. Brooklyn knew almost nothing about gay people. He kept saying he just didn't understand it. This is because he didn't know any gay people. By the end of the night, after much gay talk from me, he was pro-LGBT. Still, I never had the chance to come out to him. We talked more about the universe, Libertarianism, politics, and our families. He even told me about a drunken sleep over he had at a hotel with with a transsexual. Brooklyn was 20 and very naïve about the world.
“We have to hang out when we get out.” He told me.

I was down with that.


Miaki's name was called and he left to go to the P.C block. I'm not sure how he got to go first. Brooklyn and I were here a day before him.
They moved Pappi in the cell with me and Brooklyn. He had to sleep on the floor in this thing that resembles a boat. 3 to a cell was cramped I'm sure this was illegal like the poo and pee cell.