Day 13 – 10/02/11 Sunday

Yo.....YO!” I opened my eyes and Turtle (one of the A-listers) was yoing me.
“Food,” he said quickly and left. It was nice of him to wake me up. I went out to eat my “sloppy joe” while W.M went on another rant about his charges and supposed release.


Afternoon rec was here and football was on. To make things worse for me, the Eagles were playing. Now I'm not one of those people that thinks football is deplorable and thinks people who watch it are horrible. Annoying, yes. Horrible for watching something I don't like, no.

I just genuinely don't find it interesting or any sport at that. I've watched baseball games with friends but I've manged to stay interested because they kept me interest and didn't become physically become angry when something went wrong.

When someone misses the ball in baseball when my friends watch, they don't scream and begin making animal noises like the room full of testosterone driven men. Being in a room full of mostly heterosexual men watching a sporting event is new to me. I nearly shit myself every time a roar of celebration broke out.


At evening rec, Mikai came and sat at my table. I hate being around him. It was like I was friends with the school bully. Whenever he spoke to me, I tried to appear put off by his frankness and pretend we didn't share a cell for 3 days.

“Did I do something wrong to you? I haven't seen you all day. You avoiding me? Did I say something?” Mikai asked randomly and paranoid.
“No, I've been in my cell all day trying to avoid all things football,” I said.

I don't think he heard past no based on this response of “Oh, those fuckin' Eagles lost today.” I've told him over and over that I have no plans on making friends or even talking to anyone here.

“Then how you gonna figure things out?” He asked.
“Dunno,” I said, “I'll figure it out. And I did. From Mikai. He constantly goes on about not want to get involved with these people. Constantly. But getting involved is how he knows so much.
“You know what I heard about She-Devil [Lamborghini]?” He whispered to me, “She be suckin' those C.Os dicks. That's why she always around them.” Mikai said this gesturing to Lamborghini who looked like she was sweet talking a C.O accompanying the medicine cart.

“I dunno,” I said, “she's loud and annoying and trans so people are going to say shit. I'm sure it's all hearsay.”
“Mmhmm. She got a new celly and now she got 3 hickeys. I don't see no vacuum cleaners around here. I wasn't in the business of examining her neck so I don't know.
But anyway, I got all of my information from Mikai. He let me copy the rotating menu so I knew what we were eating everyday. And while we were sitting there, he asked a young Puerto Rican guy, Paco, about the daily schedule (which I figured out on my own) and laundry which I mentally took a note of.