Day 12 - 10/01/11 Saturday

I wish one of my friends had enough sense to call the prison to get my number to write me. It's only been 12 days but I feel terribly alone. There's no feeling worse than being surround by 54 other people but feeling absolutely alone. I've never felt more like an outside than I do now. The strange thing is I'm fine with it. I'm fine with no talking to anyone. I'm not here to make friends. It's the reason Mikai constantly comes up to and talks to me. I keep my mouth shut. I have no reason to talk to anyone. Not even Mikai.

Mikai and Wheels's talks about gays (because Pruane went up state and Mikai's new celly, Girard, is possibly gay) not being normal made me cringe. It took so much for me not to say anything. So much. I found myself defending gays in my head thinking “I'm cool with gays” as if I wasn't. I've spent the past few weeks not thinking about it so much that I somehow forgot I was gay.

While still talking to Wheels, Mikai turned to me and said “If there's no plane wreckage at the Pentagon, isn't it obvious a missile shot the Pentagon?”

Mikai asked this trying to convince Wheels that 9/11 was an inside job.
“I'm not getting into this,” I said referring back to our controversial conversation in booking. He comes off as a well spoken knowledgeable man but this is the same “college educated” man that didn't know planets existed outside our solar system.


It's Saturday so that that means football. I went into the day room and plopped down in front of the TV but I had zero interest in the college football game. I managed to grit about 10 minutes until Mikai came over and started yelling at the TV. Loudly.

I went back to my cell and started writing this. I didn't feel comfortable being out there. I came to my cell and watched everyone do what they do everyday:

A bunch of young black guys and one white guy (a group I've dubbed “The Elite” because they seem to control everything, they get special privileges, and they're in with the block rep) around 2 tables playing cards.

Mr Chang slowly walking the perimeter holding the rosary praying to himself.

Santa, a bald, older Mexican man with a white Santa beard, walking the perimeter also praying the rosary and stopping to do sit-ups and the like on his journey.

Lamborghini walking around listening to her radio singing pop songs obnoxiously loud and off key occasionally stopping to harass someone. Everyone talks shit about Lamborghini but people stay in her good graces because she has a bunch of hook ups. Last night she made a chichi with green peppers, onions, cheese, ranch dressing, and meat.

“Where'd you get all the ingredients?” Mikai asked her.
“The guards. I run this shit. I got motherfuckas wrapped around my finger.” She replied.

There's Wheels playing a friendly game of Othello or pushing himself around with his one leg happily greeting people. I still like him despite his “God created one man and one woman” speech.
The same group of guys playing Sorry.
The same group playing Trouble.
The same group playing cards.
Then there's Rico who only talked to Wheels, Santa and Big Rico because he mostly only speaks Spanish.
There was the Afrian who went around proselytizing his religion. Yesterday, he, very loudly yelled at guy talking on the phone and accused him of looking in the showers. The guys, who I've dubbed George's Man, was offended and just wanted to finish his call. There was Mikai who always end up near me.
And finally there's Teenwolf who is, most times, directly planted in front of the TV.


During evening rec everyone wanted to watch Deal with Burt Reynolds. Mikai wasn't having it. He threw a fit.
“Man, nobody wants to watch this.” He screamed.
There was a college football game and and it seemed that if Temple or Penn State weren't playing then no one cared except Mikai. Mikai swiped the remote from The Elites table and turned to football. Dreds, out block rep and head of The Elites because of his title and power, was not happy. Neither was Rico.

Mikai went to his cell for a second giving Rico a chance to take the remote and change it. He didn't know the channel so Teenwolf changed and handed it back. Mikai came back and lost it.

“WHAT. THE. FUCK!” He yelled. The TV was now on a rerun of Terra Nova.
“No one wants to watch this! We watched it Monday!” He continued to scream. No on meaning him. He took the remote from in front of Rico and sat back at our table. His celly was there but got up because he knew shit was about to go down.

I didn't move. I didn't know what to do. Rico tried to say “movie” in his limited English as Mikai flipped through the channels landing on a GOP discussion on illegal immigrants.

“Yeah, illegal immigration. That's all you,” he said to Rico. Everyone just started at Mikai. Rico shook his head in anger. I was embarrassed FOR Mikai. What a childish AND racist thing to say because he wasn't getting his way.

“Yo, turn to ION. A movie about to come on,” Dreds said.
“Man, nobody wants to see that bullshit!” Mikai snapped back. Dreds said nothing. He didn't have to. Mikai knew he was basically in charge. He's the one who kept the remote safe at night. He could have the TV shut off. Mikai reluctantly changed to ION just before Snake Eyes started. He was pissed. H spent the next answer complaining and switching to the game during commercials.

People were visibly pissed.

“Alright, I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow,” Mikai said while holding out his fist for me to bump. I didn't to fist bump him at all. If I fist bumped him, it would seem like I was on his team and I condoned his tantrum. But if I didn't bump him, I'd lose the only person I had to talk to and get information from.

In the end, I fist bumped him with a very loose fist and shook my head as he walked away to show my disgust.